Random Pairing Story Winner: Faith in the Random Pairing — Paired Up
Random Pairing Story Winner: Faith in the Random Pairing

Random Pairing Story Winner: Faith in the Random Pairing

Congratulations to Ben Green, the winner of the Random Pairing Story Contest and an all-day free foursome to Sweetens Cove! His story “Faith in the Random Pairing” cuts right to the core of what Paired Up is all about—above all else, the people are what can make a round the most memorable if you take a minute to hear their story. Ben is new to the game, and his story is from his second random pairing ever. Come meet Marty and Phil, two guys who restored Ben’s faith in the community around golf!


This past August I began my golfing career, and what a ride it has been: I have already been on my first buddies trip, I have broken 100 (woot!), I have spent an amount of money that makes my wife nervous, and I have gotten to know some of my closest friends even better.

I have a very young track record with random parings. There is a muni course here in Chattanooga very close to my house, and only on two separate occasions I have gotten up and gone to the course to be randomly paired up.

The first pairing was not so great. The person I was paired up with was interesting. He was nearly 50 years older than me. He told me about his life growing up New Orleans, his father getting him into golf, and his cancer that has kept him in Chattanooga for the foreseeable future. All that being said, he really tried to correct my swing while we were playing, and if that has ever happened to you, you know how that can ruin your round. This really put me off to joining with other players.

This past weekend, however, I gave it another chance. I had a solo tee time, but when I got to the starter he asked if I would like to join the pair in front of me. I obliged out of guilt or fear of slowing people down behind me. I was paired up with Phil and Marty—two 55 year old men who have been playing together for over two decades. They are active members of the pushcart mafia, and their game could not have been more different than my first experience.

We all three shanked our first tee shots. I would say they just decided to not finish 6 of the 18 holes because they either hit a really bad shot and said, “Screw it,” or, they hit a really good shot and said, “Screw it.” We all celebrated the 20-foot putts that went in, and we celebrated Marty’s eagle putt. We laughed off Phil and my 3-putts that resulted in pars. I learned about how Phil was a kicker at the University of Tennessee and now does sports photography. I learned that Marty really didn’t care much for sharing about his work or life, but would love for me to try out his Ping driver that he was really proud of.

This was the kind of paring that restored my faith in the community around golf. This round can take up one of two spaces in my mind. I could hang my head and remember that I lost 9 golf balls, shooting a 96 with multiple triple bogies. Instead, I will look back on this round and think of Phil and Marty and how happy and excited they were at all times during the round. I will remember how willing they were to let me join. I will remember how they laughed off the bad ones, celebrated the good ones, and welcomed me as if I had been playing the same game with them for the past 20 years.

I now have faith in the random paring. I learned this weekend that there is immense possibility for new friendships on the links. Marty got my number after the round and has invited me to play sometime in the near future with him and Phil. Who knows, maybe I won’t need a random paring anymore.

To new friends.

I Forgot

I Forgot

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